The most powerful purple corn variety comes from Peru in South America. Other varieties have lesser nutritional value having lower anthocyanin content. With less anthocyanin, other varieties also have lower bioflavonoid content, making them less effective as liquid supplement for health maintenance. Our purple corn juice is organically grown and comes from Peru. When talking of purple corn anthocyanin, it’s got to be from Peru.
The most powerful purple corn variety comes from Peru in South America. Other varieties have lesser nutritional value having lower anthocyanin content. With less anthocyanin, other varieties also have lower bioflavonoid content, making them less effective as liquid supplement for health maintenance. Our purple corn juice is organically grown and comes from Peru. When talking of purple corn anthocyanin, it’s got to be from Peru.
Our purple corn juice is extracted from the purple colored grains, husks, and cobs of the Peruvian corn. Only the Peruvian variety possesses this overall purple quality. Other corn types only have the grains colored purple and thus contain inferior anthocyanin content. The husks and cobs of our purple corn contribute 80 percent of the nutrition present in the juice, particularly anthocyanin. Anthocyanin is the power behind our purple corn juice.
The latest buzzword in the nutrition world today is anthocyanin. It used to be antioxidant. The health power and value of food used to be gauged in terms of its antioxidancy. The antioxidancy of food was measured through its ORAC value. However, ORAC value has been found inadequate by some nutrition experts, saying that most reported ORAC values are biased and serve only as promotional hype for specific products rather than as nutrition information.
Anthocyanin is what gives purple corn its purple pigment. It’s the same nutrient that gives color to red, blue, and violet food crops like eggplants, ube, mangostene, tomatoes, and red grapes, to name a few. Anthocyanin protects crops from UV rays and the elements, particularly the Peruvian purple corn which grows on mountains 10,000 to 15,000 above sea level.
Accordingly, through Divine permission of evolution, the Peruvian corn fought to survive the mountain environs, doubling up on its anthocyanin content in the process, and thus turning purple.
Anthocyanin is a bioflavonoid that tremendously affects the health of our body systems and the organ functions involved. Nutrition experts and clinical tests suggest that anthocyanin in purple corn can also affect and even hasten or augment the natural healing process occasioned by the immune function. Micro nutrients and antioxidants, like anthocyanin, in themselves cannot trigger healing in the body. It is only through their effect on the immune system that they can have any bearing on healing. Nonetheless, this shows clearly the necessity of micronutrients, and of supplementing. And thus, we see how supplementing affects each person differently, depending on the level of immune deficiency that needs rectification. For instance, anthocyanin needs to do all the repairs first and aid the recuperation process before it can produce any visible positive result.
Aside from anthocyanin, the Peruvian purple corn is also rich in the following nutrients:
Carotenoids help a lot in strengthening body resistance. Among other functions, they help prevent cell, tissue, and genetic damage. Free radicals roam around our body systems gathering strength and waiting for the right time to wreak havoc. They attack especially the cells, and specifically our DNA cells. Carotenoids stop them. This means stronger immune which also protects from infection, cancer growth, and protection against heart diseases. They can be converted to essential vitamins, repairing our vitamin deficiencies.
Phenolics or polyphenols are a type of antioxidants that help the body fight cancer and heart diseases. They’re also anti-inflammatory and anti-aging. They protect overall body systems.
Luteins aid us with good eyesight, aside from protecting us from free radicals. Lutein is good against macular degeneration and eye cataracts. It also reduces the risk of deadly cardiovascular diseases and problems with blood vessels.
Vitamin A is a type of terpene. Terpene helps fight cancer, both in preventive and healing treatments. They help kick out carcinogens from your bodies and diminish the growth of tumors. Vitamin A keeps our eyes and skin healthy and is a popular growth vitamin.
These fito nutrients are antioxidants that protect the DNA cell from oxidative damage and help prevent mutations that cause cancer.
Flavonoids have antioxidant actions that delay or prevent the super ill effects of free radicals. They also prevent bad cholesterol (LDL) from oxidizing and lethally clogging the arteries. Flavonoids are also anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-tumor, anti-allergenic, and anti-inflammatory.
They prevent aggregation of platelets or excessive blood clotting. Furthermore, flavonoids also have vasodilatory effects. Vasodilation is the dilation or widening of blood vessels due to relaxed or unstressed cells in the vessel walls, particularly so in the large arteries, smaller arterioles, and large veins.
It is the opposite of vasoconstriction, or the narrowing of blood vessels. When vessels dilate, the flow of blood is increased due to a decrease in vascular resistance. Therefore, dilation of arterial blood vessels (mainly arterioles) leads to normalized blood pressure.
Purple corn juice also provides natural Vitamins C and E about three times more than what is found in common fruits. These vitamins help fight cancer, enhance collagen health, and strengthen body resistance against illness.
For Light Ailments: Light ailments like cold, cough, light fever, headache, sinusitis, post nasal drip, and other light inflammation, allergies, and bacterial and viral infections, the recommended dosage is 30 to 50 ml 2 to 3 times a day.
For more serious ailments like hypertension, asthma, elevated blood sugar, heart or kidney ailment, small tumors, and the like, the recommended dosage is 50 to 70 ml 3 times a day or more.
For deadly or stage 3 or 4 diseases, the recommended dosage if 250 ml or a full glass three times a day.
For simple health maintenance, we recommend 20 ml once or twice daily.
Actually, anyone can drink a glass of the juice anytime because it’s really just corn juice, not medicine. There’s no overdose. But for practical purposes and to be economical—and to really savor and enjoy its luscious refreshing taste—take 250 ml a day iced or refrigerated once a day or every other day.